Saturday, June 19, 2010

The New Pool

On Monday, as we were getting ready for the first night of Vacation Bible School, a typical Florida afternoon thunderstorm came through with strong winds and heavy rain.  As usual, it only lasted around 30 minutes and we had VBS going in full force.  The next morning, I noticed that inflatable ring on the girls swimming pool was deflated and I went out in search of the problem.  Apparently, the strong winds blew something into the ring to cause a leak.  I found the leak but after many attempts at patching it, I decided it was a lost cause.

I was determined to get the girls another pool since summertime in Florida is simply too hot to play outside without one.  I was equally determined that the next pool would not have an inflatable ring that could be easily punctured.  After searching around, and using some of Kate's couponing skills, we deiced on a 15ft. metal frame pool.  Kate and I spent yesterday in the blistering sun setting it up and the kids waited patiently by playing in their sand box and running through the sprinkler.  Once the pool was set up, they decided to start playing in it even though the water was not completely full.  This is probably the only time this year that Luke will touch the bottom of the pool. 

One of the best parts of the day was that Kate wore an FSU visor the whole afternoon.  I tried to get a picture but she simply refused.  Since I value my marriage, I did not force the issue.  Nevertheless, here are a few pictures from the day and I have even posted a video below that shows the kids enjoying the new pool.

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